CR 01-054: rereferral to committee - A 806
Executive order no.7 re May 2001 special session - A 221
Executive order no.22 re special election for the 42nd Assembly district seat
 - A 385
Executive order no.38 re January 2002 special session - A 590
Executive order no.42 re May 2002 special session - A 845
Executive order no.44 re amending Executive order no.42 re May 2002 special session - A 848
Governor request to convene joint session of the legislature for introduction of the 2001-03 Biennial state budget and delivery of the State budget message - A 84
Legislative council memorandum re potential effect of A.Amdt.1 to AJR-1 re regulation of hunting, fishing, trapping, and taking game - A 212
Rep. Jensen: letter to Attorney General requesting opinion on constitutionality of SB-104 - A 612
Rep. Jensen: letter to co-chairpersons of JSCTE re report on desirability of Jr2 AB-1 - A 639
Rep. Jensen: letter to co-chairpersons of JSCTE re report on desirability of AB-155 - A 115
Rep. Jensen: letter to co-chairpersons of JSCTE re report on desirability of AB-381 - A 235
Rep. Jensen: letter to co-chairpersons of JSCTE re report on desirability of AB-439 - A 274
Rep. Jensen: letter to co-chairpersons of JSCTE re report on desirability of AB-767 - A 623
Rep. Jensen: letter to co-chairpersons of JSCTE re report on desirability of AB-819 - A 664
Rep. Jensen: letter to co-chairpersons of JSCTE re report on desirability of SB-104 - A 612
Rep. Spillner: name changed to Joan Wade effective 11/27/00 - A 9
SB-70: rereferral to committee - A 175
SB-110: rereferral to committee - A 269
SB-110: rereferral to committee - A 526
SB-110: to be considered an emergency billA 277
SB-144: to be considered an emergency billA 202
SB-259: rereferral to committee - A 469
SB-267: rereferral to committee - A 595
SB-356: rereferral to committee - A 645
Sen. Burke re removal as cosponsor of AB-174 - A 139
Sen. Cowles re addition as cosponsor of AB-212 - A 157
Sen. Farrow: nomination to serve as Lieutenant Governor - A 116
Sen. George re addition as cosponsor of AB-212 - A 157
Sen. George re addition as cosponsor of AB-254 - A 187
Sen. Hansen re addition as cosponsor of AB-113 - A 166
Sen. Schultz re removal as cosponsor of AB-253 - A 236
Thompson, Tommy G.: resigned as Governor effective 2/1/01. (Appointed secretary of the U.S. Department of health and human services) - A 57
communication _ senate Communication — Senate, see also Resignations
Executive order no.1 re Governor's task force on racial profiling findings
 - S 117
Executive order no.2 re flags flown at half-staff re Specialist Jason D. Wildfong, U.S. Army - S 130
Executive order no.6 re establishment of Governor's advisory council on judicial selection - S 174
Executive order no.7 re May 2001 sepcial session - S 171
Executive order no.12 re creation of Governor's task force on invasive species
 - S 205
Executive order no.17 re state of emergency relating to drought conditions
 - S 258, 260
Executive order no.18 relating to executive order no.6 - S 262
Executive order no.21 re directing PSC to redirect funds intended to provide voice mail services for the homeless - S 277
Executive order no.22 re special election for the 42nd Assembly district seat
 - S 363
Executive order no.23 re flags flown at half-staff due to terrorist attacks on U.S. - S 370
Executive order no.24 re Governor's pardon advisory board - S 374
Executive order no.31 revising the membership of the Governor's task force on terrorism preparedness - S 460
Executive order no.32 re creation of the Governor's commission on historic sites - S 465
Executive order no.33 re creation of the Governor's task force on financial education - S 465
Executive order no.34 re creation of the Governor's year of the trails commission - S 466
Executive order no.37 re creation of the Governor's task force on jails and community corrections - S 511
Executive order no.38 re January 2002 special session - S 520
Executive order no.39 re creation of the Governor's task force on small business regulatory reform - S 541
Executive order no.40 re creation of the Task force on state and local government - S 636
Executive order no.42 re May 2002 special session - S 705
Executive order no.44 re amending Executive order no.42 re May 2002 special session - S 710
Executive order no.46 re creation of Governor's task force on ethics reform in government - S 715
Executive order no.48 re creation of the Wisconsin encourage healthy lifestyles (WEHL) council - S 752
Executive order no.50 re amending Executive order no.24 re the Governor's pardon advisory board - S 775
Executive order no.52 re the dissolution of the Dane county regional planning commission - S 787
Executive order no.57 re amending Executive order no.52 re the dissolution of the Dane county regional planning commission - S 804
Executive order no.415 amending Executive order no.411 re Roadless initiative - S 46
Executive order no.416 re software license compliance - S 47
Farrow, Margaret: Assembly confirmation of nomination as Lieutenant Governor - S 122
Joint Legislative Council memorandum re potential effect of S.Sub.Amdt.1 to SJR-2 (regulation of hunting, fishing, trapping, and taking game) spread upon the journal - S 106
Joint legislative council memorandum re potential judicial interpretation of A.Sub.Amdt. 1 to SJR-2 (constitutional right to fish, hunt, trap, and take game) spread upon the journal - S 187
Rep. Meyerhofer re addition as cosponsor of SB-104 - S 157
Rep. Stone re addition as cosponsor of SB-161 - S 181
Rep. Stone re addition as cosponsor of SB-171 - S 220
Professional Standards Council for Teachers: list of nominees - S 473
SB-9: to be considered an emergency billS 153
SB-144: to be considered an emergency billS 161
Sen. Moore re addition as coauthor of SJR-64, SB-344, SB-435, and cosponsor of AJR-87 and AB-733 - S 647
Sen. Risser: letter to co-chairpersons of JSCRS re report on S.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1 to Jr2 AB-1 - S 665
Thompson, Tommy G.: resigned as Governor effective 2/1/01. (Appointed secretary of the U.S. Department of health and human services) - S 59
elections board _ communication to assembly Elections board — Communication to Assembly
Certified list of Representatives - A 1
Hines, J.A.: certification of election in 11/16/01 special election - A 547
elections board _ communication to senate Elections board — Communication to Senate
Certified list of Senators - S 1
Kanavas, Theodore J.: certification of election in 7/10/01 special election
 - S 262
emergency bill Emergency bill, see Communication — Assembly
engrossed bills and joint resolutions Engrossed bills and joint resolutions
Assembly chief clerk directed printing of: AB-3, AB-42
Senate chief clerk directed printing of: SB-104, SB-110, SB-212; AB-843, AB-850
executive clemency Executive clemency, see Pardons
executive order Executive order, see Communication — Senate
farrow, margaret a Farrow, Margaret A.
Assembly confirmation of nomination as Lieutenant Governor - S 122
Nomination to serve as Lieutenant Governor - A 116